Northeast Kansas’s Official Jeff Galloway Training Program
Jeff Galloway’s proven Run-Walk-Run method makes longer distance training not only doable but enjoyable. The first few workouts are FREE, so come try it out and see what you can do with Galloway!
Olympian Jeff Galloway’s quest for the injury-free training program led him to develop group training programs in 1978. Over the last 40 years, these programs have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their lives through walking and running. Beneficial for everyone from beginners to Boston Qualifiers, Galloway’s Run-Walk-Run® method produces better runs, faster times, and fewer injuries than with continuous running.
“I started this program because of the effect running has had in my life. I ran in school, but not the whole time; and I’ve run a good portion of my adult life. But there have also been extended periods when I was not active and did not run. And if I’ve learned one thing from it all, it’s this: I’m happier as a runner.
“The Galloway method is the best way I’ve found to enjoy all the benefits of running while avoiding injury. I’ve used it to come back from years of inactivity; I’ve used it to qualify for the Boston Marathon, running a marathon sixteen minutes faster at the age of 39 than I did as a 27-year-old cross-country coach who ran with high school athletes every day; and I’ve used it to complete an ultra–the 44-mile “Brew-to-Brew” run between Kansas City, MO, and Lawrence, KS, each Spring. You too can find more enjoyment and better results in every run using the Galloway method. Please come join us for a run and see for yourself!” — J. Jenkins, Run-Walk-Lawrence Program Director
Kickoffs for all programs (except the fall half marathon program) will be at 8:00AM on their respective start dates at Ad Astra Running (734 Massachusetts, Lawrence, KS 66044).
5K/10K – Beginner-friendly programs meeting on Sunday mornings (except for the winter session beginning on Jan. 4th). No prior running experience necessary. 10 weeks / $89 ($69 for Alumni).
· Program dates: Jan. 4th - Mar. 14th, targeting the Shamrock Shuffle 5K/10K on Mar. 7th; Apr. 19th - June 20th, targeting the Hospital Hill Run on June 6th; (Fall 5K/10K Program TBA)
5K SPEED Program – Time-goal group meeting twice-weekly on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. 10 weeks / $95 ($75 for alumni)
· Program dates: Mar. 28th - May 30th, targeting the Hospital Hill Run on June 6th
Half Marathon – “To-Finish” and time-goal programs meeting on Saturday mornings. Build from 5K distance to half marathon. 18 weeks / $95 ($75 for Alumni)
· Program dates: Feb. 22nd - June 20th, targeting the Hospital Hill Run on June 6th; (Fall Half Marathon Program TBA)
Marathon – “To-Finish” and time-goal programs meeting on Saturday mornings. Build from 5K distance to marathon. 32 weeks / $159 ($99 for Alumni)
· Program dates: Mar. 28th - Oct. 31st, targeting the Kansas City Marathon on Oct. 17th ($159 for new members, $99 for alumni)
“R.O.G.U.E.” (Year-Round) – Marathon & half marathon “to-finish” and time-goal group meeting year-round on Saturday mornings (and every third weekend in Nov. and Dec.) $199 ($159 for alumni)
· Program dates: Jan. 4th - Dec. 12th, targeting the Hospital Hill Run on June 6th and the Kansas City Marathon & Half Marathon on Oct. 17th
Program members receive: Galloway Training Programs book, moisture-wicking program shirt, program finisher’s medal, discounted entry to Galloway events nationwide as well as several local races, and discount on shoes at Ad Astra Running (734 Massachusetts in Lawrence, KS)
For More Information:
J. Jenkins – (785) 830-8353 –
The Galloway method
For four decades, Jeff Galloway has invited people to reclaim their heritage as runners. At one time all humans ran--for survival. Galloway invites you to do the same today: to run for your own survival. Don't live to run, run to live--more fully, with better health, greater energy, and deeper joy. Embrace the runner inside you--embrace yourself--embrace life. Run to live!
What we do
Heartland Galloway has training programs for everyone. Whether you are training for your first 5k fun run or gearing up to PR on your next Ultra Marathon you can use the run walk method to reach your goal. We have programs for 5k, 10k, Half-Marathon, Marathon, and Ultra Marathon distances. Group runs usually meet early on Sat. or Sun. and
How to join
Galloway training programs are structured as group training for specific events but individual gets one on one guidance, coaching and instruction. We have open enrollment for a few weeks at the start of each program but most programs have a definite end date and a goal race.